Monday, May 18, 2009

Are You Kidding Me?

Well today I woke up feeling just a bit self conscious about myself. I know it sounds like I'm about to complain about everything that is wrong with me, or at least what I feel is wrong with me. Well guess what, I'm not. However, I am really annoyed with something.

As most people in my culture (I'm not sure about around the world) are aware of, there is the tradition of making a New Year's resolution. Well one of the most popular New Years resolutions is to lose blank pounds. That's all cool, but a lot of people don't need to lose weight at all. Then what gets me the most is that people then complain to me about it. Now I know that most people that might read this has never met me in their life, I am a bigger person. I am over weight. I just don't complain about it. Well I don't usually get upset about it. I do randomly get upset about it, and when I do I feel sorry for the guy I date. He has witnessed his on a couple of occasions where I call him crying. One of these unfortunate occasions was today. I was just feeling very self conscious today so I called him at 7:30 in the morning (luckily he was up already) balling. He comforted me, he's such a wonderful guy.

Alright, so anyways, the reason I was so upset was that I looked in the mirror today and I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin. Which sucks! But hey, it happens. Well I got to thinking about it and I just started thinking about all of the girls that are absolutely beautiful and they feel that they need to lose weight. Everyone knows that girl. They are 100 lbs and they act like they are 200 lbs. They always talk about how fat they are. It's almost like they are either fishing for compliments or they are hinting to you that you need to lose weight. (I know the first choice is the most likely one.) Well I am that 200 lb girl and I usually feel very comfortable in my body, that is until everyone else starts to complain; then I start too think about about my body and I start to feel a little uncomfortable. Like I said earlier, IT SUCKS! I just wish that people would learn to accept who they are more instead of continuously putting themselves down. Don't come complaining to me and fishing for compliments from me. It gets a little annoying and I have no sympathy. All I can say is to find out who you are and just be yourself. That's the best thing to do.